May brought the showers and the flowers.
The beginning of May was all about gardens and plants, which Puzzle thought was funny because the human cannot keep anything green alive. The first stop was at the PADS campus for a fundraiser. He wanted to help people select flower baskets, but no one trusted his colour choices. We explored a garden centre, where the look-but-don’t-touch policy applied equally to puppy and human.
Puzzle is fickle about taking pictures, but volunteered to sit for a photo shoot. It would have gone much smoother if they held the event in a grocery store’s dairy aisle, instead of a busy park with other dogs and a lot of kids. He is such a ham for cheese!
Puzzle works hard on his training, knowing there are always treats. He charms the children with his (deliberate, of course) goofs. As our precocious three-year-old neighbour pointed out, “That’s not a sit, his tummy is on the ground. He should sit on his bum.”
He practices settling at home (especially when the human is talking to no one that he can see), and out in the world. Who knew there would be so many distractions at the library? Some days, human tries to extend lunchbreak with a play; he’s on to her delay tactics and calls an end to the games by lying on his bed.
Submitted by: Gwen