We are so excited to welcome Queso into advanced training! Queso is the perfect blend of goofy, smart, handsome and affectionate. He recently finished a breeding rotation and has come back ready to start advanced training! We have been focusing on reviewing skills from puppy raising and spending some time just having fun together. Queso appears to be the perfect candidate for mobility work – so we will continue to explore that path in the next few months. Thank you to everyone who had a part in Queso’s journey!

  • Skills Being Learned: Productive play, reverse luring, movement skills, nose target
  • Recent Field Trips: West Edmonton Mall, Costco, dog park
  • Possible Behaviour Challenges: None to note at this time
  • Advanced Training Location: Calgary

Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Queso!

Submitted by: Amy, Advanced Trainer