Well, it has been quite a month. I got to be sat by three lucky sitters.

While with my last sitter, I got to check out a lot of fun Halloween displays in the neighbourhood. I even saw a huge black cat which I thought was pretty cool until it moved its head. I recovered very nicely, though I must say, after all, it was just a cat.

I also went to the local garden shop and checked out their wonderful pumpkin displays. I went to a Halloween class too! There were people & dogs dressed up in funny costumes. I have to say though, that I was pretty cute in my pumpkin tutu. There were fun things to do like a balloon maze, bobbing for treats in a basket filled with balls and playing musical cues just like musical chairs but instead, when the music stopped, we had to do a cue, and if you didn’t do it, you were out. I did so well until the last cue which was “Side” which I could not be lured. Darn, guess I will be practicing that a bit more now!

Anyway, a very interesting month! I think all my sitters would be very happy to sit me again as I am a very chill & relaxed dog at home and I love to work. My sitters think that my raiser has done an awesome job raising me!

Submitted by: Donna Short, Sitter