QUIXLEY and his new partner continue to work through a gradual team training schedule after their first few weeks of Team Training this month. Once they have completed team training, they will work through their 45-day probation period. When that is complete, they will officially be members of the PADS 2020 graduating class!  Quixley’s trainers Ashley and Margaret are very grateful to the amazing community of volunteers, our donors, our puppy program staff, and our client service staff that have made this placement possible. Congratulations Team Quixley!

  • Skills being learned: How to be a rockstar service dog for his client.
  • Recent field trips: Outings as needed to support his client
  • Career path: Service

Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Quixley!

Submitted by: Apprentice Instructor Ashley Siddals & Training Programs Manager Margaret Hicks