Summer vacation is in full swing, and PADS Radar II has stepped out of the classroom and into a world of road trips and camping adventures! This month, he took a trip down to Seattle and watched a WNBA game, took a seven-hour drive down to Oregon to watch his mom play in a frisbee tournament, and went on a few hikes and overnight camping trips around Oregon and BC. And while there have been lots of fun and games, these trips have provided many great opportunities for him to continue working on public access and dog distraction.
Only two weeks until turn in and we cannot believe how time has flown by. We’re trying to make the most out of the time we have left with him, enjoying every last cuddle and kiss. Our time with Radar has been a life-changing experience, and although we will be unbelievably sad to see him go, we are so proud of him and cannot wait to see and hear about his new adventures in advanced training!
Submitted by: Agnes