
Hi Sponsor and Friends:

Raekin here and I have a lot to share for the month of April!  It’s spring now and lots of nice weather which brought fun opportunities for outdoor adventures, outdoor training, outdoor parties and outdoor sniffaris.  And I had all of those on my calendar and so much more!

I’ve been exploring some of the parks in my neighbourhood, sometimes on leash and some time off, and I continue to impress my new Raiser with my amazing recall and that I never go far away.  I got to play with lots of dogs in the parks and in the dog parks and word from the doggos is that I’m polite and respectful, never pushy so lots of them want to play with me.  

I went to a PADS party to wish my friend, Thresher, the best new life with his new, furever person, and there were PADS dogs of all ages and their handlers there and it was the best day ever (well, that’s pretty much every day you won’t be surprised to hear).

My big adventures were in cape, going to many local malls and shops to have a sniff around, attending a school choir recital, going out for tea, spending an amazing day with a sitter while my Raiser went to a meeting.  The most epic adventure in cape was on the Sea to Sky Gondola where I rode the gondola, had lunch on the restaurant patio, hiked the trails (played in snow, heard a bear grunting and saw a wild turkey) and the biggest adventure of all was that I walked across the suspension bridge!  When I came off on the other side all the people cheered for me, and my PADS people were giving me lots of love and treats!  My Raiser was not surprised, not much bothers me, it’s all in a day’s work!

On the very last day of April, I had the most special evening.  I had dinner with a future PADS client and her friend from Oregon who has a graduate service dog (Murphy) from America’s Vet Dogs – the friend was responsible for Raiser seeking out and volunteering for PADS 5 years ago!  I spent the evening being a very good girl, settled with my Raiser.  Because Murphy and I were both in our working vests so there was no greeting, but I did try to sneak across under the table at dinner to say hello while my Raiser was putting out plates, my bad, LOL.  But the best thing of all was that we posed together for lots of pictures and Raiser was super proud of me staying composed for all of that.

What a month!  May is shaping up to be just as fun-filled, stay tuned for more! Thanks for checking in.

Raekin xx

Submitted by: Caroline, Puppy in Training Sitter