
Raekin had another busy month of classes, learning, exploring and Summer! 

June was action-packed. She attended two PADS events (PADS Shredding Fundraiser and Puppy Days), where she continued to work on her settling skills and practice her greetings. She’s getting good at these now.  Raekin had many special in-cape training sessions in public, like when she visited the dentist with an advanced training sitter. She was calm and collected while watching the dentist work and even gave a little boop for a treat! When people in the office say they didn’t even know a dog was there, that confirms success! She also enjoyed a pup patty or two from A&W. Big thanks to PADS Marsh II for treating the whole puppy class to the yummy treat one night.

Raekin continues to work hard to sharpen her skills. This month, she made great progress in practicing backing up and pivoting in a small space, which helped her refine her Heel and Side cues. She is practicing her “Go In” cue while ignoring kibble scattered on the floor before being asked to complete the “Down” cue. She is pretty good at ignoring food on the floor.

She has had some great off-leash romps with amazing recall. She’s learning to handle dog distractions, as well as the distractions of crows, bunnies, and squirrels. She mostly stands and watches them, then checks in with her handler for reinforcement (kibbles). Raekin continues to be a master cuddler, her superpower. She seems to know when people need her and goes right over to them and gives them some love. 

Advanced training location: West Coast

Submitted by: Caroline, Advanced Training Sitter