Ranger enjoyed some special occasions this month. With two of our family members having birthdays, he enjoyed a small group of visitors and the celebration. He always gets excited when he hears the “Happy Birthday” song. On Remembrance Day, Ranger respectfully walked through the field of crosses. He recognized the importance of the day and was on his best behaviour.
Ranger also went on a trip to Fernie, where he met up with his golden retriever friend, who is the guest services dog at the Griz Inn. Ranger tried working guest services, and he did a pretty good job, but since initial greetings are something we continue to work on, it might not be the right job for him.
Ranger continues to demonstrate that he has great strengths in emotional attunement. He knows to come close when someone is feeling hurt or sad. This month, there were two times when Ranger brought the hurt or sad child his bone. While they said, “Thanks, Ranger, but I don’t want your bone!” the situation made them laugh, so maybe Ranger knew exactly what he was doing!
Submitted by: Shawna Sharp Hays