Oh, that face and those eyes: a look of attentive belonging & wanting to please! (photo)
February has been a month of several firsts:
-first time to the Jericho Beach dog park, with no interest in the water. (photo)
-first time going to a sitter: very successful in that Reef settled in within the first half-hour and snuggled against the sitter’s shoe while she worked. (photos)
-first time attending Beginner’s level class: no problem adapting to older pup behaviours. (photo)
Valentine’s Day, but no chocolate for Reef! (photo)
Woods walks with Reef, seeking both perch & jump-on sites to earn treats. (photo)
IKEA trip: sniffing in the parking lot led me to wish I’d taken the halti, but once inside, excellent & attentive walking beside me–with and without a cart. “I think we’ve been here before,” was a repeated phrase. (photos)
Calmness when I’m ‘working’ at the computer has improved considerably; demand barking has almost disappeared. We’re now working on calmness during restraint/confinement when body handling because Reef is a wiggler; however, progress is noted.
Good progress has been made with chin and reverse lure chin rest and durations: sit and down at 3 minutes (inside the house with me walking in & out of Reef’s sight line) and stand at 2 minutes (with close attention and encouragement “Goooooood stand.”)
Reef is a big boy–is close to outgrowing the size medium cape! Reef continues to be attentive and wants to please. We haven’t seen anticipated signs of adolescence yet; we’re holding our breath and enjoying all.
Reef will go to sitters again during the first week of March, where he’ll become acquainted with a cat for the first time.
Submitted by: Sandra