
Hey PADS Village – I hope February was a great month for everyone – I know it sure was for me!! It’s always great when I get to spend time with both of my raisers.

So my Vancouver hooman sure likes to eat out a lot – we were at restaurants every week when I was with him. But now that I’m on this silly food trial (soooo boring!!) he keeps an extra eye on me to make sure I’m not scarfing anything off the floor. We also go to the library a lot. Everyone there is always happy to see me, but they also are careful not to bother me when I am trying to do my “durations”!!!

And my Vancouver hooman is finally getting comfortable letting me off the leash when we are in Pacific Spirit Park. I don’t know what he was so worried about. I would never go more than 10 meters from where he is. He does carry the treats after all!!

Now if only the rain would go away . . . .

Submitted by: Kevin