Reef Here
Have I ever got things to share from the last while?
First off…Humans are tricky. I have examples:
1 – The Boss Lady took me into The Guy in the Wheelchair’s bathroom. The Boss Lady very quietly refers to it as “The Dog Bath” and then chuckles and I did not know why. I should have noticed there was Puppy Shampoo in her hands. Did you know water can come out of walls and ceilings with no tub or anything to warn you about what is coming? Well, I know now!!! At least I smelled better.
2 – The Girl has been coming around a lot to put on her Backwoods Gear and hike to prepare for some Backwoods hiking and camping. She asked if I wanted to go up Mosquito Creek with her, and I thought MOSQUITO’S!!!! But I risked it and the good news…it is a fantastic walk where I can practice meeting other dogs, and there are no Mosquito’s. It is hard to understand Humans!!
In June, I went to Ambleside with The Guy in the Wheelchair to roll to Dundarave and back with a small pack of Guys in Wheelchairs. I am so good and calm around them and I felt very special because I was the only dog allowed there.
I am doing really well in puppy class. There are so many dogs and people to see and properly greet, it is hard to contain myself, but I am getting way better at it.
We did a few “glamour shots” this month. The Guy in the Wheelchair laughed and said, “Boys don’t do glamour shots”. I say…”When the light is amazing”, which is important for us black dogs, and there are cookies involved, glamour it is”.
Signing off,
Reef II
Submitted by: Lorraine