Early in March, Reef spent five days with imaginative, creative sitters, and in their home lived a cat. This may have been Reef’s first experience with a cat: no problem; by the fifth day, Cat was comfortable sitting quite close to Dog! (photo)
There have been too many outings to count–whenever there is a short shop, Reef goes along: London Drubs, post office, Save on Foods, Canadian Tire, Home Hardware, Starbucks. (puppuccino-photo)
“Go in” when riding on the bus is very secure (photo); a field trip to UBC included a noon-hour concert at the Music School (photo) and a walk around at the UBC Bookstore. (photo)
St. Pat’s Day (photo) and a pensive pose among Spring flowers, snowdrops & crocus. (photo)
Beethoven on the piano: sometimes Reef positions his head on my foot pedal (photo), which means that I can’t change the pedal, which = a muddy sound. The only way to fix this is to stop playing. Is Reef trying to tell me something here???!!!
Duration progress: inside the house–3 min sit; 5 min down; 2 min stand; out in the garden–2 min sit; 4 min down; 1 min stand.
‘Perch’ on a new, purple, portable folding stool at a recent puppy class at the Christine Sinclair Community Centre. (photo)
The nose knows–when finding instructing smells on walks; checking in attentively in the car. (photo)
A March challenge has been (adolescent) behaviour of mouthing the leash & jumping up on me & mouthing the sleeve of my jacket. This resulted in frustration on my part and a call to PADS for “Help, please.” Thanks to Jackie for a one-on-one telephone call (a Zoom session was aborted when none of our computers would load Zoom!) during which she provided several strategies to curtail this unwanted behaviour. We will continue to work on this in April–and for as long as it takes to eliminate it!
Submitted by: Sandra