Reef II here,
I have been checking out new digs for the last month. It is exciting here. Always new people were coming and going! I have been working really hard on keeping calm with all these new people coming and going…people can be just way too much fun. This house has lots of different things. It has an automatic door and a person in a wheelchair. I am great with the door. I haven’t gone out even once without being told I can go “Out.”
The person in the wheelchair and I have done a great job keeping all 5 of my appendages out of the way of the wheelchair tires. He is great at never moving unless he knows where I am, and I have always been really calm around him. I have also been teaching the person in the wheelchair how to pet me. At the start, he could only give me a few little taps, and now he can give me some nice pets when I get nice and close to him. At the start, “The Boss Lady” supervised when I said Hello to the guy in the wheelchair, but now I can just go and say Hi and hang out when I want to cause I am so good around him. I am hoping he will be able to give me treats when I am really good. “The Boss Lady,” says that will not happen soon, but I say there is no harm in hoping.
I have been adventuring a lot. I walk into the village to the store all the time, have gone shopping for plants, and have checked out the local trails.
I am looking forward to lots of nice summer weather. When it is hot, I get lots of “Stinky Ice Cubes,” kibble frozen in water in an ice cube tray. Yummmmm.
“The Boss Lady” is good at many things, just not so good at taking pictures. I keep hearing about how cute I am and how regal I can look, but alas, there is not much photographic evidence. This is something “The Boss Lady” could work on while I am working on my things.
Till next month…
Reef II