Hello PADS Village – it’s PADS Puppy Reef II here. I’ve had another fun-filled / work-filled month. And I loved every minute of it. I got to spend lots of time with different people – including my co-raisers and sitters. I’m getting used to moving around to different places and don’t mind it at all. Sometimes it still takes me a little while to settle when I get to a new place, but I’m getting better at it.
We’ve been doing lots of different things in our classes – like “wait” when we go through a door. Or my new favourites – “heel” and “side”. My hooman and I practise those all the time when he is grocery shopping. Sometimes it’s hard to remember everything – I guess that’s what the practice is for!!
One of my sitters took me shopping for “Christmas”!!!! So . . . what’s “Christmas??? Does it mean “treats”???
Submitted by: Kevin