I’m Rimbey and this is my first pupdate since moving in with my new folks.
I was 7 months old when Lynn and Ron became my people. I loved my first family–lots of fun, exploration, and learning with Louis, Miranda, and the other dogs in the pack. But, thanks to previous stays with Lynn and Ron, I was already familiar with my new place. I did get a new bed which I picked out myself. After trying many, many beds, some beds not even worth stepping on, I kept returning to a clear favourite. It sits in the main living area where I can see most of the action.
People keep saying that I am a very smart puppy. It’s fun to learn new things, and I’m happy and proud to share what I know. Plus I get yummy, yummy treats! A big yes to treats! But get this, my latest job is to say no to treats?!!! I’m getting better at saying no but sometimes it’s hard to resist. Especially when the treat is on the floor, in plain sight, right in my way as I’m going under a table or walking around a cone. It’s much easier to resist temptation when I heel, side, sit, lie down, perch, or stay. I can even be left alone in a room with a treat in front of me.
I miss my old pack and when I go to classes or on walks, I really want to play with the other dogs. I pull hard against my leash, but Lynn and Ron have other ideas. They also tug on the leash when I want to eat goodies I find on walks. Wood chips are fun to chew but I drop them when kibble is offered instead. Kibble is easier on my tummy. One time, I got a watery stool from a yummy chicken chew. I occasionally munch grass which doesn’t bother me at all. I also enjoy occasional dried sardines, dried salmon, and raw or dried carrots.
I’m usually with either Lynn or Ron or both. Sometimes I go to Ron’s office. We walk to his building where he sits at a desk, just like Louis. There are other people in the building as well who always smile and say hello. Sometimes Ron takes off my cape, and I get a lot of pets and attention. A few times weekly, I watch Ron and Lynn play tennis. I’m just a pup and need reminders to lay quietly courtside. Sometimes balls bounce nearby, but they don’t interest me. I also go to dance classes where I sit under a table. I’m just a pup and don’t like to stay for long, especially when Lynn and Ron wander too far away. On the way to class, I walk down a long, steep, slippery metal staircase. Lynn walks very slowly; she only has two legs. Going to restaurants is hard for me. So many food smells and tidbits on the ground. But I’m getting good at lying quietly. and letting my people eat and visit. I occasionally remind them that I’m still there. And sometimes, fallen tidbits are just too tempting.
I go shopping in different places. The best stores have treats for me. Lynn finds me toys that I can chew and destroy. Only a few survive! But one bunny has been with me from the start. When her ears grew ragged, they were removed, so now she looks like a guinea pig. I love toys that squeak, and I can make more noise than the TV. I love to stalk, then pounce and sprint dizzying laps around the house with a catch in my mouth. I launch 180 degree turns off my bed braced against a living room wall. Just like Michael Phelps.
Throughout this month, many visitors came to the house. Most were tradespeople that only stayed during the day. However, relatives from Vancouver visited and stayed for a few days. Everybody loved me, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
There are limits to how much of a crowd I can take. Lynn and I took the C-train to attend a PADS Meet & Greet at 5th Ave Place. So many feet to avoid on the train–especially with my tail. Downtown has so many people and so much noise! I was ecstatic to see the other puppies and couldn’t contain myself. Once I calmed down, I was surrounded by people. Sometimes, I had three people petting me at once while Lynn talked. It was thirsty work, and the water bowl came in handy. I obliged for over an hour, then sat and stared at Lynn until she realized it was time to leave. The ride home was easier, we found a recess where I lay out of the way of dangerous feet. Whew, we both needed a nap when we got home.
I’ve become more comfortable with having my teeth or my hair brushed. I’m not sure if I like baths yet, I’ve only had one. The high-speed dryer is a bit much. I don’t mind having my ears looked at or my eyes cleaned. I am pretty patient with nail clipping, but Lynn is very slow and only takes off tiny slivers. I’m sure she’ll get faster.
I love walks and have favourite spots to toilet. I like to do my business first, so I can sniff as much as I like for the rest of the walk. We’ve made many friends with people and dogs in the neighbourhood. On longer walks along the river pathway, there are even more dogs, people, and adventures.
My favourite quiet time is lying in the crook of the sofa and getting pets from both Lynn and Ron at the same time. I snuggle against their legs and feet so that if I fall asleep, I instantly awake if anybody moves. Even if I’m gently snoring, I’m still on high alert–I don’t want to miss a thing. By day’s end, I happily retreat to my kennel to rest and dream with my bunny. A bright new day starts before 5:30 am.
Submitted by: Lynn and Ron