July was a busy month. I loved Sedona! The trails were wonderful. During our last week, we went to a park every morning. I lay still while my people played tennis. Then we played in the park! So fun to explore, and then run back to my people when they call. I met two dogs that were friendly and nice to me. Ruby is a greyhound, that ran off when she eventually tired of me trying to kiss her. Another dog, Sally, is a PTSD service dog, Sally’s person said they “rescued” each other.
We had a nice drive back to Calgary, stopping lots for short breaks. So many new smells!
I didn’t like my pool in Sedona, but I sure love our short walk to the river in Calgary. Ron takes me on an outing almost every day. I love wading more than swimming, but both work when chasing sticks. I like other dogs. One dog couldn’t catch up to a stick in deep water so I swam out and gave her mine. We leave when it gets crowded.
I love snow pea pods and baby carrots from the Farmer’s market. When I hear chopping sounds, I come running! My other favourite treat is gogi berries from the gogi bush in our yard. I can pick my own berries if my people hold the branch. But I also like stripping leaves along with the berries to make myself a salad.
Ron is not going to the office anymore. Lynn has been spending a lot of time recently on her laptop. I like having them both around but I can easily entertain myself. I play with bones and toys or rest at their feet or on my bed in the living room. I sometimes ask for a game of tug, a belly rub, or a toilet break. Most of the time my people understand. Sometimes, I make a rumbly sound in my throat to get their attention.
My people are getting better at telling me what they want. Learning quickly makes me happy and proud.
Submitted by: Lynn and Ron