I am ten-and-a-half months old and still growing, but not as fast as before. I am a few pounds heavier than I should be, so my people are measuring my food very carefully. They are pescatarians so we like to eat the same things. Dried salmon and sardines are my favourites! I also love fruits and vegetables–apples peeled, strawberries, watermelon, snow peas, broccoli, and carrots.
During the hot June days in Calgary, I went wading more often. Now when sticks go out into deeper water, I swim after them. I like the big sticks best.
I am in Sedona, AZ until mid-July. It took three days of driving to get here. I had no trouble sleeping in different hotels. I was very comfortable in my dog bed and didn’t miss my kennel at all. New people and new places don’t bother me much. Everybody is smiley and friendly.
It’s hot here during the day but daily monsoons help. At night, we open windows and turn off A/C. I go for walks early in the morning and at dusk. I don’t much notice the howling coyotes, wild rabbits or javelinas. The red rocks are easy to climb. My big paws are grippy, and I pick my own path instead of always following Ron. I easily climbed to the top of Sugarloaf, an iconic rock formation in West Sedona. On my first outing, I got stuck with a couple of cactus needles, which Ron easily pulled out. Ron says I’m not careful, but I haven’t had another cactus attack.
When it’s warm, I wear a cooling cape for short walks at a nearby park that has shade trees and grassy fields. I love being outside; there are so many new smells to smell. I also enjoy short trips to the recycling depot or grocery store, especially with the car windows rolled down.
My people bought cooling mats that I sometimes lay on. With A/C in the house, I don’t really need them. There’s also a small doggy pool that I don’t like nearly as much as the river at home.
Somebody’s chopping up food in the kitchen. Gotta go!!
Submitted by: Lynn Jand