What a month! I am growing and learning a lot!!!

My people are getting smarter at telling me what they want. Usually, they only need to tell me once. They are proud of me, and I’m very proud of myself. But avoiding food distractions is still hard for me. Food is yummy and sometimes I can’t resist.

I’m very popular at the tennis club. Everybody says, “Hi, Rimbey” with huge smiles when they see me. They are excited when I stop for a brief hello. Once I’m courtside, I don’t need a leash anymore. Now I can lay patiently for two whole hours, even if tennis is outside and there are other dogs nearby. When my people collect balls with the rolling cart, I practice heel, side, and going around the cart. It’s fun!

It’s been warmer this month so instead of just walking beside the river, I wade right in. I love picking up sticks and bringing them back to shore. One time, I couldn’t reach the bottom and I had to swim. Turns out I’m a fast swimmer. But I’m not sure I like it yet. After one of my river walks, I had ice cream for the first time. I licked my bowl extra clean.

I’ve been panting more and drinking more water. I only like certain bowls and prefer water freshly poured into a clean bowl. My winter hair is falling out. I like getting brushed and hearing how beautiful and shiny I am.

At night, I look forward to sleeping in my kennel. The door is left open, so I can greet my people as soon as they get up. I’m so happy, my whole body squiggles.

Submitted by: Lynn and Ron