It’s a New Year, and I’m not sure what that means, but I know I’m getting bigger and growing really fast. Sometimes, I trip over my legs, it’s like they have a mind of their own. My hooman has nicknamed me “Tiny Tank”.

I spent almost 3 weeks with a really nice family, while my hooman was enjoying the sunshine. I got to experience this white fluffy stuff, they called it snow, but all I know is it tasted pretty yummy and was fun to play in. I don’t know if I love this cold weather, but they tell me it’ll get better soon.

Training is going pretty well, and I love seeing all my pupper friends in class. Even though after class, is the best nap time. It makes me super sleepy. As always, I’m excited for the next month, so I can tell you what I’m up to in the life of Ripto.

Submitted by: Tiffany P.