November was fun. I got spoiled. A new bed, toys and this fence thing that’s in the house. It keeps me from sitting where the hoomans sit, and I don’t like it, but my bed and toys are in it, so I guess it’s ok.

I went and visited the vet and got poked, but I didn’t mind cause they have super yummy treats to eat, and now I can go out and adventure in more places.

I really like making new friends, hooman and pupper alike. At the end of the month, I had my first sleepover. I spent 4 days with a really nice lady who had other doggos at her house (we played and had fun, and they were nice and taught me lots of stuff). We went hiking (that was tiring and made me very sleepy), and some small hoomans came by, and I got to say hi.

I’m still working really hard at learning all the things that are going to make me a super service pup, but I still want to play sometimes when I shouldn’t and sometimes I just don’t want to learn or practice. It will get easier, at least that’s what everyone keeps saying… I’ll let you know next month how that’s going.

Submitted by: Tiffany P.