This is my 1st month with my new family since I left my mommy and brothers and sisters. My family said they could tell I miss them since I like to have my new family with me beside the kennel when I go to sleep, or when I am in the X-pen, I like them to sit in there with me and I snuggle right up against them.

I live with 2 older sisters now who go to high school. My mommy and daddy have taken me to the high school already! I also went to the dentist and fell asleep while my sister had her braces checked. Everyone said I did so well there, so they took me to Starbucks for a puppaccino treat. I also live with a senior dog and a young cat – I try to play with both, but my mommy says they don’t want to play with me. Everyone says I am so cute. I like to snuggle with whoever sits with me and will crawl into their lap to lay on top of their legs. My mommy tried to cut my toenails for a pawdicure, but I was too wiggly for her, even with all the treats she gave me. She said that’s okay, as we can keep practicing this. I wonder what adventures they will take me on in December.

Submitted by: Amanda & Conrad Kim