Roku has advanced in his maturity and skill development with great strides! He has become more confident and can stay and wait longer periods away from his handler or between cues. These duration skills have improved his command following style on the whole, as I believe it impacts his understanding of the exercise, work, or play scenario. Roku is so smart – he loves to work and is happy to “get dressed” and “go to work” every day.
Roku spent a third of August with a sitter. He enjoyed getting to know and live with other dogs, which fed his love of the chase. He also learned cat behaviour as these felines walked around him all the time. He didn’t chase, wrestle, or run at them but did use his duration skill of constant watching and taking it all in.
One of Roku’s biggest accomplishments with the sitter was swimming. As he has so far been quite skeptical of water, having had little water experience with a January birthday, he was motivated.
Submitted by: Kirstin