Roku has noticeably grown in height and weight. He is such a happy boy who is active and wants to know what everyone is doing. He loves to be active whether training, playing, walking, watching, or chewing, and his eyes are moving if his legs are still. Recently he’s losing his teeth and has increased his gumming and biting to relieve pressure. He even gnaws his own paw for comfort at times and also relieves comfort by chewing and sucking small ice cubes.
Roku is repeatedly complimented on how handsome he is and he is breaking hearts in every store or public activity we engage in. As active as he is, he also redirects, listens to cues, calms easily, and is content to be close to his handler for all training and activities. He recently completed his 4-month review and was outstanding as he showed fearlessness and engagement in all the store areas he was exposed to for his evaluation. Of course, his family thinks he is the smartest boy of his litter!
Roku is an energetic joy in his household. He seeks to play, but also to cuddle his people and shows gentle submission in the pack order of our home. His family is grateful to share in his growth and learning.
Submitted by: Kirstin