September has been a month of maturity for Roku. Some of the more difficult cues and lessons have moved into “easy”, with Roku smiling like, “Why did I ever think that was so hard?”
Roku has had two occasions, a restaurant and a church service, where he sat in a “go in” style, sitting under my chair for 1.5 hours. He stayed in this down position excellently. I was so proud of him.
Roku is also navigating other dogs and their personalities. He has had about 6 opportunities at a dog park since the beginning of August. He really enjoys meeting new dogs, and he is so kind and submissive to all shapes and sizes. He loves to chase and be chased, smell and investigate.
Roku is complimented regularly about how cute, smiley, and happy he is. He is a joy to be with and is keen to show his affection for our family.
Picture 1: Roku saw his reflection in the window and had a stare down with it.
Picture 2: Roku lying down during the church service.
Picture 3: Running back to us.
Submitted by: Kirstin