February’s been a splash of fun and learning! I’ve been clocking in more time with various raisers and sitters, spreading the love and the licks around. It’s tough watching my humans leave, but each goodbye gets a little easier, especially when I’ve got a bunch of new friends to keep me company. It’s all about the belly rubs and the head pats, folks.

But let’s talk about water โ€“ it’s delicious, it’s refreshing, and apparently, it’s possible to have too much of a good thing. I’ve been guzzling down water like there’s no tomorrow, and, well, my indoor toilet manners have been a bit… damp. I’m learning the ins and outs (quite literally) of managing my thirst, especially when I’m hanging out at a new spot that’s not my usual den. It’s all part of the journey to becoming the best service doggo I can be. So here’s to drier days ahead and mastering the fine art of water moderation!

Keep your paws crossed for me and don’t forget to follow my wet-nosed adventures and the inevitable triumphs over the toilet training trials. Every puddle is a lesson, and I’m here to learn them all. ๐Ÿ™‚

Submitted by: Marie Johns