Sawyer is a spunky little puppy. When we’re out and about, she’s generally focused and attentive; her weakness is people – she loves people and will launch herself at them to try to get attention. We joke that it’s the 1/4 people-loving Golden Retriever in her.
Her skills are coming along nicely. She has mastered calmness in the house, which came in handy over winter break when it was -20*C, which precluded spending much time outside. She has gotten much better at settling in public. Our 11-year-old son is her favourite cuddle buddy.
Outings in December included family gatherings, shopping, a class field trip to Scotia Barn ice rinks and the Christmas tree lot. Sawyer is still a wee little thing, at about 31 lbs at 6.5 months old.
Submitted by: Jackie Clark