March was a busy month! Sawyer stayed overnight with another raiser who works for the Vancouver Police Department and got to go to work at the VPD, then on to the Dental Association conference, where PADS was the charity of choice and our pups got to interact with the attendees. She then had her first Skytrain trip, which she rocked.
Spring Break was spent in Whistler, where there was still plenty of snow to enjoy. Sawyer is starting to go through adolescence, and along with that she’s being a bit more willful – see the picture of her with her butt up in the air rather than doing the down she was asked to do – but we’ve been through this before with other pups and are maintaining consistency and changing how we structure things or how much freedom she’s allowed to set us all up for success. For instance, she’s decided that if she’s in the back yard she can’t hear us, though previously her recall was 100%, so instead of letting her rehearse ignoring us, we’re either toileting her on leash, or we’re going out to get her, which results in her coming over to us wagging and happy – no conflict.
Submitted by: Jackie Clark