This month, Scramble has been learning how to remove socks off her trainer’s feet and help her take off her jacket. She has also been reviewing all the commands she already knows in preparation for team training at the beginning of May! Scramble truly is a unicorn dog – she is an incredibly naturally talented service dog. We are all very excited for her to meet her client and start her career as a mobility service dog. Scramble’s puppy raiser should be extremely proud of such an amazing dog that they have raised. Thank you to everyone who had a part in Scramble’s journey; none of this would be possible without our amazing puppy raisers and volunteers!
- Skills being learned: Removing socks and jacket, review of all skills
- Recent field trips: University of Alberta, West Edmonton Mall, Superstore, Costco, Calgary transit, dog park
- Possible behaviour challenges: None
- Advanced training location: Calgary
- Career Path: Service Dog
Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Scramble!
Submitted by: Amy, Advanced Trainer