Well, Shadow sure was surprised to see that she got a roommate for this month! PADS Waffle has quickly become her new BFF. We have lots of fun hitting the trails, and training at home (and learning to wait for our turn!). But it’s been particularly helpful as we have been able to work on Shadow being able to settle while out in public in the company of another dog. She sometimes forgets that while you’re under a table relaxing, it isn’t necessarily the time to play bitey-face!
One particularly fun outing was when we got to go to watch one of the pickleball events as part of the Paddles for PADS fundraiser-so much fun!!
Shadow also got spayed this month. We were able to get her prepared by training in advance for her to be comfortable with the cone on her head. Now she readily puts it on and struts around like it’s no big deal. She’s healing up well and is looking forward to being able to romp off leash once again soon.
Submitted by: Kailea and Suzanne