December brought more days in the office, more hikes on the trails (including with buddies VIP Muse and PADS Indy), and lots of time spent training! Shadow loves to work and learn, though getting her skills on a verbal cue has been a bit hard. So we are adjusting our training methods a bit, and no doubt this little keener will start putting it all together in no time.

Obviously, the highlight of December is always Christmas and Shadow got to join in Kailea’s family festivities in Calgary. This meant her first plane ride, and she proved to be a lovely, calm traveller. Much happiness erupted when Shadow discovered that it snowed the first night we arrived. We left lots of tracks exploring the neighbourhood and nearby Glenmore Reservoir. On Christmas morning, it became very clear what Shadow asked from Santa Paws!!

“Dear Santa Paws, I have been the bestest girl and trying really hard in school. Everyone keeps saying how I am such a little girl all the time. For Christmas, I want to be a big girl! Boops and kisses, Shadow”.

Well, Shadow got her wish and went into heat on Christmas day!!! Though I don’t know that she realized she also wished herself into a pair of undies for the next while. While in heat, Shadow cannot go out into public places (malls, restaurants, etc), so our outings will be a bit limited for a few weeks. 

But a surprise is in store for her come January, which I think she will enjoy – stay tuned!!!

Submitted by: Kailea and Suzanne