
Shah was more than happy to help Morley celebrate his birthday this month. He was very tolerant as he was made to wear a party hat and wait to be released for cake.

This month, we continued to work on position changes, movement and hindend awareness. Shah is currently built like a giraffe (all legs) and is learning how to move between positions the right way. He has also made progress on maintaining a square sit and will only occasionally fall over onto a hip. Shah has down on a verbal cue and is learning to listen for a cue rather than trying to assume what will be asked. He has started to offer a pretty good heel, and this will likely become a verbal cue in the next couple of weeks.

Shah attended his first in-person puppy class at the end of the month. At home and in public, he has always had excellent focus, but in class, he was a bit overwhelmed by the environment and other dogs. Hopefully, we will have more classes in the future to work through this excitement and show off his lovely skills.

Submitted by: Stephanie