
Shah’s big outing this month was attending the Willow Park Charity Golf Tournament for 3 days. He was an irresistible hit with his large ears and full body wiggles. Most of the time was spent out on the golf course, and he had the opportunity to be handled by another PADS volunteer. He seems to transfer well between different handlers. Shah was able to largely ignore the other PADS dogs present and proved to have excellent handler focus.

Shah is showing that he loves learning new skills. Since he is well on his way to being a big guy, we spent some time this month working on movement skills. Perching on a perch pot is one of his favourites, and he is learning how to move his back legs to maintain a heel position. This is helping him realize that he doesn’t have to sit directly in front to receive a reward. He is offering a down, and we are close to putting this on a verbal cue. Shah is being introduced to lured heels, and this month, we will continue to build on this.

Shah is a gem of a puppy, and I am very lucky to be his raiser!

Submitted by: Stephanie