We are excited to welcome SHALE to our Calgary advanced dog crew! Shale is a funny, sweet, and sassy girl who loves working and play in equal measures. Her raisers the Beaton family have done an amazing job with her obedience and they should be very proud of this girl as she is a true credit to their love and dedication to raising exceptional assistance dogs. Shale is settling right in with the rest of the team and is loving that she gets to train and play with her new school mates. A big thank you to team Shale! We are excited to see where her path will take her.
- Skills being learned: Intro to basic service skills
- Recent field trips: Southcentre mall, Deerfoot Meadows, Petland
- Possible behavior challenges: Nothing yet to note
- Advanced training location: Calgary
- Potential career path: Assistance Dog
Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Shale!
Submitted by: Advanced Trainer Miranda Turenne