Hi Everyone, Sheen here. Just checking in to tell you a little about my July. What a month. I have been doing a lot of fun things. We seem to be spending lots of time at the beach. So many things to sniff and so many new friends. I also went to another baseball game. There were so many people cheering and clapping. But I barely noticed. There was also so much food on the ground. That was very tempting but I think I did all right ignoring it. There were also FIREWORKS!! I don’t know what all the hype is, but I got lots of treats and didn’t make a fuss.
I am also really enjoying puppy class. I LOVE working and learning new things. I cannot wait to see what August brings. My raisers keep saying that I am getting fixed, but honestly, I don’t think I am broken. So we will see what that is all about soon enough.
Back to work for me, have a great August everyone!!
Submitted by: JP