Silky II practiced all her lovely AFD skills for the first part of this month and generalized them to many different environments and people. She loves giving hugs, and her hugs are the best! For the last part of the month, Silky travelled to Vancouver where she has been placed with a long-term sitter until she is matched with a client and begins team training. She is such a lovely girl and is loved by everyone who meets her! We do not doubt that she will excel wherever she goes.
- Skills being Learned: Review & generalizing of all skills
- Recent Field Trips: Kingsway Mall, Superstore, West Edmonton Mall, IKEA
- Possible Behaviour Challenges: She can sometimes take a while to recover from things that worry her, and some body sensitivity
- Advanced Training Location: Edmonton (remote)
We’re so grateful for your support of Advanced Dog Silky II!
Submitted by: Amy, Advanced Trainer