Well, this month, it finally happened – I was neutered. It was a bit of a stressful day – NO food!!! And it was so hard to stay calm for about 10 days after so I could heal – but now I’ve recovered nicely and back to my usual happy, active self. I had some public outings recently where I could practice settling. Sometimes I’m just too big to ‘go under’ in places that only have small tables and chairs, but I can usually find some corner to lay down in.
I’m getting very good at doing a ‘roll’ and having my nails clipped – this is making my raiser very happy! Next month, I will continue to work on ignoring food – not just kibble – that I find on the ground – practice makes perfect! The snow at the end of this month was a fun surprise for me, but for some reason, my raiser wasn’t as pleased about it. I’m not sure why – it was fun to run in!
Submitted by: Christine