Smore spent some time with sitters this month. One sitter reported, “Smore just visited us for daycare. He adjusted well and enjoyed his forest walks. We practiced lots of restrained recalls and duration sits. He is a perfect house guest and smart little dog. For outings, we visited friends, went to Granville Island Market, Costco, the gym, several off-leash walks, did some training in Pacific Spirit Park with other PADS dogs, went to a concert, and had lunch out at a restaurant. Smore settled well no matter where we went, and was very good walking beside a shopping cart.”

The second sitter reported: “Smore went for several walks in woods, visited the supermarket, and had some on- and off-leash time with another PADS pup. At home, he discovered our Roomba vacuum, and was very curious about this strange thing that moved around all by itself!”
Submitted By: Mary and Dave Amos (puppy-sitters) & Jennifer Sands (puppy-sitter)