Hello, I am Sokka, and I continue to grow and learn. My raisers say that I am 76 pounds now. This month, we spent a lot of time getting ready for something called Christmas. My raiser’s family brought a tree into the house, and it had a lot of shiny decorations on it. They also placed other decorations around the house, and some of them looked like they were fun, and I tried to play with them. I had to learn that I was allowed to sniff them but was told not to touch them. I listened because I am a good boy.

I also went shopping a lot this month, and the mall was very busy. People always smile when they see me working. I like making people smile. We also went to a place called Costco, and my raiser said it was crazy busy, and the man at the checkout commented on how well-behaved I was. When he found out I was still a puppy in training he was very impressed. I have also been spending time at the community recreation centre, and the staff there know me by name. They always smile at me when I come in, and sometimes my raiser lets me say hi to them. I like saying hi to people, but I have learned that I need to wait for my raiser to say I can. Once I hear my cue to “go say hi” I get so wiggly and excited and people give me pets. My raiser told me that I have a test coming up called the GDBart. I hope I do well so I can continue to learn to help people. That’s all for now.

Submitted by: Stewart Bain