Sparrow is a 3-month-old puppy who is on a huge learning curve. She loves life, people, and dogs. This month she had a PADS friend, Jubilee, come and stay for the weekend, which was the most fun ever. Sparrow has been out and about this month going to restaurants, the library, shopping, the vet, and to a backyard concert. She loved every minute.
Sparrow is learning that her kennel is a good place to hang out, even when the door is open. She is learning the right way to sit and lay down. She’s learning that when someone says Here, treats happen. Also, that humans are fabulous, but some stranger dogs are a bit grouchy around enthusiastic puppies, unlike PADS dogs, who are wonderful playmates no matter what.
Sparrow’s hobbies are eating, sleeping, going for walks, cuddling, and playing tug.
Submitted by: Anne Vulliamy