Sprinter has been going on various field trips this month to continue refining her skills and maintaining her chill patiently between tasks. She has been doing a lovely job of nudging as needed and then standing patiently by or holding down in the “post” position. Sometimes, Sprinter still gets excited to see other dogs, so we are practising her dog distraction skills and refining her default check-ins and ability to maintain handler focus when needed. So far, so good! She’s also doing an excellent job of warming up to petting when in work mode. Previously, when working on skills, she would avoid touch from her handler, wanting to focus on the task and treat. Now her more playful side is integrated, and she knows petting and affection can happen in work mode, too! Great work, Sprinter!

We are incredibly grateful for the support of Advanced Dog Sprinter.

Advanced training location: West Coast

Submitted by: Ashley, Service & Hearing Dog Instructor