Hello friends. This has been a wooffy good month. We’ve had lots of friends over, and I’ve been learning my greeting manners. I ruv people and would like to ruv them all up with my puppy kisses. I’ve learned that I need to sit nicely if I want them to ruv me back. It’s really hard to sit when my tail keeps wagging my whole body. In puppy class, we’ve been learning the button game. I really like this game- I think I’m really good at hitting the target, but sometimes I get a little excited and want to eat it all up. Trips to the city have been busy. I’m not sure I love the busy malls this time of year, but I like all the good smells. And snow- I ruv snow!!! We went to Whistler, and I got to play and play in the snow. I like to stick my nose deep and smell what’s underneath, and I like to run, slip, and play. I was having so much fun my people forgot to take a picture of me.

Submitted by: Penny Naldrett