Taber has continued to bring a light to our family. He’s the sweetest little pup! Other than not sleeping at night (he needs to go out 2-3 times a night), but he’s so cute, so even that is ok! Taber loves to sit and does so on cue.
He is also learning to wait until he is told to eat his food, but this one is a big challenge as he is SO food-motivated!!
Taber has loved following Pyxis (18 months old) around and doing whatever he did until Pyxis left for Advanced Training in mid-November. Taber definitely missed him and all their fun play times. Taber has adjusted so well to coming to Kindergarten with Dana, where she teaches special needs. He is in the Kindergarten for 8 hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so he’s a tired guy by suppertime!
We’re looking forward to an amazing 1.5 years ahead!
Submitted by: Dana and Jay & Family