April was more of a home-body month for Tahsis, with busy family holidays/social dinners sprinkled in between. I kept her on a leash at big events and she nicely tucked under the table, leaving food alone.

The rain brought challenges but whenever the weather broke, we took advantage of public parks. Moody Park is busy with other dogs, kids playing, birds & squirrels, sticks & cones & dropped food, and so many distractions. I make sure I have a lot of patience before entering. I found that sitting on a park bench on the path and coaching her through relaxing as dogs and distracting things go by saw some great progress.

Thank goodness for PADS sitters! Back to work and caring for Tahsis is a lot of work. It’s so nice to have a break now and then and be able to 100% focus on client meetings without worrying about interruption. Tahsis really benefited from weekly sits with Amanda and Conrad who have a lively household (2 dogs, a cat, kids with paper routes, and believe it or not the occasional young PADS puppy). I’m so grateful for a tired dog on the return. This regular dog interaction has made Tahsis a bit more relaxed with other dogs.

That said, Tahsis is showing signs of nearing heat. Dog smells yank her attention. I am now actively working overtime on the “niice” BWT. It’s an instinct she is struggling with. I’ve ordered a ‘gentle leader’ collar and will see if it stops the yanking/pulling. Isolated spaces and long river walks allowed some regular training like stay/recall.

I got Covid for the first time the last week of April and it really hit me hard with a fever, lethargy, etc. Tahsis was understanding and gentle. We got through it and she was amazingly patient.

Submitted by: Ria Lawson