TAIGA: August 15-20
Taiga’s puppy raisers are on vacation, so she is staying with puppy sitters. This is a great opportunity for her to have new experiences. With Shelley, Taiga went on the Skytrain for the first time. She did really well and was able to lie down and relax. To avoid the heat, Taiga slept in the basement and enjoyed a wading pool in the backyard.
TAIGA: August 20 – September 8
We’re (Sandra & Michael) now just over half-way. To say that all has gone smoothly would be stretching the truth a bit. After all, Taiga turned 7 months old during her stay with us. Others have described Taiga as “curious.” I’d say that Taiga thinks everything in her sight belongs to her. We keep all doors closed except for the door to the room where we are.
Otherwise, progress is being made on car riding in the footwell, staying in place with “Wait,” while I get out and go around to let her out. She’s learned to relax and even sleep on car rides. (photos)
Outings have included Save on Foods, London Drugs, Starbucks (photo), and Tsawwassen Mills Mall (photos). Taiga walks well beside the shopping cart (photo) and doesn’t sniff things on shelves as we pass by. We’ve also gone to Westward Ho!, a relaxed restaurant at UBC golf course, and practised “Go in.” Taiga found the duration for “Go in” here a bit of a challenge.
A nightly teeth-brushing routine became established within a couple of days of her coming to us. (photos)
Taiga had no problem with thunder; nor did she mind sudden, loud construction sounds across the street from us.
Tsawwassen Mills Mall is very good for LLW with distractions such as young children riding in colourful motorized ‘cars’ and sofas, chairs, tables for practising both ‘do nothing’ and “Go in.” (photos)
Training areas identified by Taiga’s raisers have been ongoing with some signs of progress in some areas–depending on Taiga’s concentration. When she’s not in the mood, we stop or go outside for a short walk, or she has a nap. Taiga is a good sleeper, and I/we appreciate her two naps each day!
Taiga is intelligent, alert, energetic, responsive. Taiga has SPUNK!!!!
Submitted by: Shelley & Sandra