February was a slower month in terms of events and outings as my hooman had lots of exams, but nonetheless, I did some exciting things! The month started off with my 8-month walk and talk where I demonstrated my skills and confidence for my cohort trainer! That week also led up to Lunar New Year where I got to see the beautiful decorations and took part in some family traditions.
At UBC, us Campus Canine pups seem to have become popular! We participated in a walk with the UBC Photographic Society where we got to be the bestest models! They took some amazing photos of us. My hooman very much appreciates receiving nice photos of me.
Mid-February brought this thing called Valentine’s Day. Of course, I had to dress up! I spent quality time with my hoomans and the Campus Canine family and shared my love with all those around me.
My PADS puppies mentees at UBC are learning fast. I continue to demonstrate fabulous public behaviour and they seem to be following in my giant paw steps. We can even go to lunch together and kennel nicely. (Pssssss, we are going on a group road trip next month!) I also got to catch up with my mentor, PADS Tio this month! I showed him some of my new skills and he said in no time I would be in puppy university like him!
The month concluded with a visit to Fasken Law to participate in their Wellness Week! I did my hair and put on my bowtie to impress. The workers were so nice and gave such great pats! Can’t wait to see what next month holds.
Submitted by: Annika E.