January was a very fun month! After a restful winter break, it was back to school and showing my new pal PADS Casper how UBC life works. I have gotten very good at going under my hoomans chair and sleeping through multiple classes in a day!
Another furrend I got to meet this month was advanced dog PADS Thorin. We had lots of fun on the trails and he was a great mentor. And yes…I am as big as some adult dogs now, and I’m only 8 months old!
An exciting new experience this month was seeing snow! At first, I wasn’t sure if I could walk in it but soon enough I was having so much fun playing in it. I got to watch kids sledding down the local hills from a distance and if my hooman let me I would have joined them. I did my Campus Canine duties and attended the UBC Winter Classic Men’s Hockey game to show my school spirit. PADS Wrigley joined me as well and we got to meet some mascots. There was lots of loud music and cheering – as well as Crazy P – but nothing fazed me. I slept on my mat under the seat and didn’t even eat the food on the floor. Apparently, I am not allowed to help the clean-up crew.
At the end of the month, PADS Parker has come to stay with us a few times, and my hooman is sooooo impressed with how well I can settle around another dog. Plus, I treat her very well. I let her have the good bed, and the good place in the car and know to not bother her when she’s resting. Although it can seem that lots of my days are spent resting, I love working life. I get very excited and am happy to learn new skills. Even trail walks bring training opportunities. I have my 8-month walk & talk next month and am excited to show my skills and love for working.
Submitted by: Annika E.