June began with a new pal joining the house. PADS Ivy came to stay for a little while until she found her hooman. I was a very good mentor with lots of patience. June was also a special month because it was my birthday month! I had my first birthday on June 9th and had a celebration with some of my best furrends, even my mama PADS Louise came! This month, our training has focused on cooperative care. I am very good with grooming and body handling, and I love that we do it in a way where it’s my choice to opt in and opt out of treatment.

I got to attend many fun activities this month! I met up with PADS Orion, and we went to the Vancouver Dragon Boat Festival. It was very busy, but we were awesome boys. Unfortunately, no one offered us to join their team, maybe next year. The next adventure was to a party at my furrend PADS AFD Robbie’s school. We dressed up, watched a magic show, and met so many of his awesome tiny hoomans. After that, I got to visit PADS AFD Norquay (a.k.a Uncle Norquay) at work! I had to try so hard to be a goody because I just love Uncle Norquay so much. His work hoomans enjoyed my company so much that I was offered to attend a non-confidential meeting. I hope to follow Uncle Norquay’s paw steps one day and become a working dog.

With many puppies needing hoomans come the fall, I got to help PADS promote our wonderful program. I attended a couple of info sessions where I got to show some new hoomans some skills and why us PADS dogs are so great! They fell even more in love with me because they got to see me and mama Louise together. Somehow, our combination seems to win lots of hearts. My hooman has also been busy making tug toys for the new puppies, and I was lucky enough to test each one before sending them out.

Submitted by: Annika E.