September was a busy and fun month! It started off with an end-of-summer puppy party. I got to hang out with puppies from different cohorts, advanced training, retired puppies, and released puppies. After that, I jumped right back into UBC life with my hooman. I am now entering my second year of my Bachelor’s of Good Boyology. At Imagine Day, I helped recruit new sitters and raisers at our Campus Canines UBC booth with my pals PADS Ivy, Casper, and Calvin. There was also a Metro Vancouver Transit Police booth, and it turns out they work with my Uncle Norquay! Apparently, we look and act very similar, which my hooman says is true.

As life was getting busier, it meant that my weekend housemate PADS Jones, had to move on to a new advanced sitter. To wrap up our weekends together, PADS Orion joined for a group sleepover. We had lots of fun together and learned so much from each other.

This month I got a new experience by going to the theatre! I was too sleepy to sit and watch, so I lay down and got to listen to the wonderful music of Come From Away. To close out the month, I went on some trail adventures to decompress and relax.

Submitted by: Annika E.