

We’re so pleased to announce Team Taylor to our PADS community.


Matched late last year, Lauren shared how PADS Taylor is making a positive impact on her life.


“I am extremely grateful to everyone who got Taylor ready for her job. Her puppy raisers, advanced sitters, trainers, and the whole PADS community!


Taylor’s job is to alert me to a variety of sounds, from fire alarms to dropped items to morning alarms – 10 sounds in total. Outside of these alerts, she also helps with my situational awareness. I now know when someone is coming up behind me, or there is a siren in the distance. Taylor has greatly improved my safety (and not burning food is great too!).


Aside from being great at her job, Taylor is goofy (with a dash of sass) and loves to make people laugh. She is full of bouncy, fun energy but is also a snuggler. She is the paradox that I described when PADS asked about my ideal dog.