So many things to talk about so little space!
First, I got to hang out with Antonio and Summer on a couple of occasions. It was very exciting as usual for me, but after a while, we just chilled. I also got to meet George and Locki at an off-leash trail!! That was so much fun, although probably more fun for me than Locki, he started to give me the evil stare that he had had enough of my sniffing. Still so much fun!
I went to Costco for the first time. I did really well with the loose leash, but when we went by the cold room (that’s where they keep the milk) it was way too weird for me, I definitely didn’t want to go in there. Also, my handlers bought a new vehicle, so I visited a car dealership and had a couple of long down durations. What a month it has been.
Submitted by: Doug & Maria